Brexit and government failure

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Brexit and government failure

June 13, 2017Comments Off on Brexit and government failure

Well. Another election has been completed and the Tories did not get the result they wanted again.

Last year David Cameron called for a referendum on whether to leave the EU or stay (to make sure he kept control of the Tory party and not in the interests of the PUBLIC) and he lost (then ran away).

Now fast forward to 2017 and Theresa May decided to hold a snap election to try and make the Tory party stronger in parliament and to squash the Labour Party (this was NOT in the interests of the country no matter how she or the party spin this) and she failed (even lost a majority she actually had before the snap election).We now have to wait for the Tory government to sort them selves out BEFORE negotiating can start (trying to cobble a deal together with the DUP – the party which is anti-gay, climate change deniers and very conservative in nature – not a party I would want representing me) – again this is in the interests of the Tory party and not that of the country.

Now we have a situation that the country is not ready to start negotiating the Brexit deal and the time is flying by rapidly. We may end up having no deal which is NOT good for the UK in any way (no matter what anyone on the right or hard Brexiteers tell you). We still have no idea what the negotiating strategy is or what the government will be looking to get – we only have rhetoric and flashy statuses.

I’m not a fan of the Labour Party or the Conservative Party (Liberal Democrat going forward) so neither prospect is making me happy. The Labour Party does not have a good record on Brexit or on asking for a good deal and the Tories even less.

Political rant over now.

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